Class of 1908 - 9th Grade

High School only went up to 10th grade until 1914

Provided by Ervin B. Shaw M.D. '62

Class of 1909 Boys High School - Grade 9

Seated: Julian Schwartz, Donald Hinson, Alex T. Haynsworth, Arthur Haynsworth, H. Noble Dick, Alfred C. DeLorme, Lawrence W. Folsom, Jr., William J. Shaw, Sr., Edward E. Seale
Standing: Mark Reynolds; "Harry" H. D. Walsh, Jr.; "Lang" L. H. Mellette; Raymond Stancil; "Willie" W. N. Bradford, Jr.; Edgar Loyns; B. Frasier Dick; J. Ryan White; Jack Owen; Duane L. Wanamaker; Alva Green; Walter Jones; Wade Williford; Clarence E. Deschamps; John B. Duffie; Ernest H. Rhame, Jr.

Provided by Ervin B. Shaw M.D. '62

Class of 1908 Sumter High School Football Team

Front on ground: Julius Smith (left end) and H. Noble Dick (left halfback & left tackle)
1st Row: Herbert Morris (end); Harry A. Davis (fullback & the best offensive back on the team); Fraser Dick (sub guard); Capt. W. J. "Will" Shaw (left halfback & my paternal grandfather); John B. Duffie (quarterback); Wesley "Wes" Collins (center); R. T. "Bob" Brown (right tackle & my maternal grandfather)
2nd Row: Harry Walsh (right end); Brandon Jones (left tackle); Jack Owen or Owens (left guard); Alva Green (right halfback); Wade Williford (right guard); Don Hinson (sub end); Ernest Rhame (manager)
Back Row: Capers Smith and F. Eason (coaches)

The SHS 1908 football team scored a total of 111 points in 5 games plus a game with the USC Gamecock "second team" made up of ineligible players. They remained undefeated and unscored upon the entire season. They were S. C. state champions with total points against the other high school teams being 95 to 0 (vs. Darlington, Florence, Columbia, Charleston, and Marion). Sumter had the only coached team in South Carolina. It would be in the 1920s before there was a paid coach for the Sumter team!